Monday, February 05, 2007

Boston Beautiful

Someone said that change is the only constant thing in our lives. When it comes, it does not come by as a breeze, but rather as a whirlwind, a vortex that sucks up everything in its path and replaces them differently.

My move to New York has been one of very mixed feelings. While the job ahead and the thrill of having your own apartment delight me immensely, it is also tough to let go of the safe school environment. Life at Northeastern University has been phenomenal, to say the least, be it the wonderful friends I made or the lovely times I had with the ones

I already knew and the countless intercultural experiences thanks to what is probably the best International Student organization in the whole of the United States.

Working in an environment of intellectuals has been a blessing too. I loved every assignment, lecture and test, through all that cribbing.

And Boston, it has been a home away from home. Even after two and a half years, the beauty of the city continues to mesmerize me. The slow winding subway, the cobbled, ah so European footpaths, the busy yet peaceful downtown, Harvard square, the Charles bridge, the Cambrideside galleria, the Fanueil hall marketplace, the hay market, the public garden, the common, the fen way & the AMC theaters across it, Newbury street, the Prudential center, the Church of Christ the scientist and Copley square; every one of these places have been visited and revisited by me and my friends. Boston is a city of feelings, very much like its European counterparts. The buildings speak poetry and so do the people. It will always be one of my loves.

The rooms at Snell library and ell hall will be revisited by many more students, like us. They will likewise laugh, cry or otherwise live life as they tread those steps to the buildings over & over again. I bet the school remembers all those footsteps as it silently stands watching a new incoming class every year and a class bidding fond farewell, and she always welcomes the new kids as her very own.